The Lean Berets


Coaching Videos Podcast
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MovNat Introduction

Posted on by Ron Jones

There are a number of different natural or “primitive” movement systems developing globally now.  We like Primal Move because we feel it has the best application for general population and corporate in terms of introduction; however, the “MovNat” system is also excellent.  While we have not taken their coursework yet, I have been in contact…… More

Freedom Flag

Posted on by Ron Jones

It was only a few months ago that I could not even get both feet off the ground when attempting the elusive “Human Flag” bar/calisthenic movement where you hang onto a vertical bar then fly your body horizontally like a flag in the wind.  My “ultimate goal” with the bar is to be able to…… More

Negative Pull Ups

Posted on by Ron Jones

Simple tutorial video on the “Negative Pull Up” technique. We use a plyometric box as an assist for getting into the “up” or “chin over bar” position. This is the same technique used by women when they first started attending the West Point Military Academy which enabled them to pass their pull up strength testing…… More

“Teacup” Mobility Drill/Game

Posted on by Ron Jones

Want to have some real FUN with shoulder and body mobility? Try the “Teacup” drill which originated from Tai Chi practice. There are ground versions too, but in this version, you can stand upright and play. Have fun with it–feels good on shoulders too! *Special thanks to Richard “Army” Maguire of and Primal Move…… More

“Brachiation” Play-Hanging Like A Monkey!

Posted on by Ron Jones

“Brachiation” basically means to hang like a monkey.  Brachiation is one of THE BEST ways to develop healthy shoulders in children.  It’s not dangerous–it’s actually productive and healthy!  We need to put bars back into our schools and parks instead of removing them under the disguise of “safety” because this mistake is helping to create…… More

Suspension Tools

Posted on by Ron Jones

No this is not a post on medieval torture devices!  It’s an important message about going beyond the mere pull up with your pull up bar. Think of the actual pull up bar as a tool for hanging other tools like suspension trainers. We use suspension trainers to modify “off the ground” training–usually making it easier (regressions)…… More

Scapular Pull Ups

Posted on by Ron Jones

The key to doing a great military pull up without putting your shoulders at risk is to engage your “lat muscles” with the “Scapular Pull Up” technique.  Here’s a nice tutorial of how to accomplish good lat muscle activation–which will greatly increase the efficiency and SAFETY of your full military pull ups and other bar…… More

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