Ron Jones & Monteen LeProtti with Life Magazine cover story on LaSierra High School Physical Education Program, January 1962
*To play show, click sound bar on bottom of page.
Want reflective motivation about quality physical education and what it can do to help rebuild America? Here’s your chance. The Stan LeProtti story about LaSierra High School during the early to mid 1960s is nothing short of amazing. Join us with Stan’s daughter Monteen as we walk through the history of LaSierra High School and what we believe was the last physical education program in America to make a national impact in improving fitness–physical, mental, and spiritual motivating these young people long after high school.
Visit our other LaSierra High School and LeProtti Archives:
- Readiness…Beyond 911
- LaSierra High PE-Past Lessons for Future Fitness
- LaSierra High PE Facebook Page
*LaSierra High School archives courtesy of Stan LeProtti family and The Lean Berets