The Lean Berets


Coaching Videos Podcast
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Jake Monlux & Kids Failed Fitness

Posted on by Ron Jones

We are honored to present this historic show with a true gentleman from America’s “Greatest Generation” named Jake Monlux from We sought out Jake to help us with our historical studies on back pain prevention, corrective exercise, and classical physical education with the gymnastics focus, but Jake provided much more for us. His passion at age…… More

Organic Colon: Part 1

Posted on by Ron Jones

We don’t often do procedure reviews on such topics at The Lean Berets, but considering the amount of colon cancer and digestive problems in America today, this is worth a series of posts. It’s my personal story. I’ll do my best to be very straight forward and honest in description for educational purposes. There is…… More

Movement Quality: Past & Present

Posted on by Ron Jones

Historically a hundred years ago or so, better physical education programs focused on the restorative content area “first” before sports.  Sports were not used to get people in shape—a form of restorative or even “medical” gymnastics was used quite often. There were different systems of course, but the idea was to create good quality movement…… More

“Never Leave the Playground” with Stephen Jepson

Posted on by Ron Jones

Fasten your seat belts then rip them off before launching for this energizing show with Stephen Jepson from Never Leave the Playground! We hope you enjoy this inspiration show about healthy and ACTIVE aging, experimenting with learning new movements that are brain challenging, improving balance, maintaining mobility and functional independence and so much more!!! Listen…… More

History: Physical Efficiency for Military

Posted on by Ron Jones

The concept of “Functional Movement” is nothing new. There are many references historically that deal with the same subject. Interestingly, America’s physical education roots were grounded in movement efficiency and quality of movement with a practical application emphasis–or as we might say again today, “functional.” Here’s a nice example of this need for functional fitness…… More

Fit To Learn

Posted on by Ron Jones

We began offering Posture Workshops for corporate clients and parents recently working extensively and body alignment and proper angles for study and work. Here’s why…be inspired by the Grundy Center Spartans in Iowa and their “Thinking Bodies” Noble Purpose theme for 2014. Posture matters. Historically, our elders knew that posture directly tied into learning in…… More

History: Physical Educator Mabel Lee

Posted on by Ron Jones

Ever wonder who was responsible for the fitness conditioning of Rosie the Riveter? Who was behind the training of 150,000 REAL WOMEN of the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) during WWII? Indeed, beyond the iconic image of Rosie was “THE”  Mabel Lee–an Iowa native Physical Education powerhouse who was one of the contributors and regional coordinators…… More

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