The Lean Berets


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Readiness…Beyond 911.

Posted on by Ron Jones

Readiness Defined: “the condition for being ready, promptness, quickness, willingness to take action.” Ready for what? The Noble Purpose. What is Noble Purpose? Preservation of nation. History shows our future depends upon readiness to defend our nation and preserve our core values. Are we weaker or stronger today in America? Physically? Mentally? Spiritually? Compared to what?…… More

Bonnie Prudden Music Charting & Choreography

Posted on by Ron Jones

Fitness icon Bonnie Prudden was the first modern fitness professional to incorporate music with beautiful movement patterns. Some have called her the real creator of “aerobics.” However, we prefer to think of her work far superior to mere aerobics as her methods and quality were high-quality and very physically literate–plus fun. Here’s a great example…… More

Duty Defined

Posted on by Ron Jones

Duty. Sounds antiquated at times today. What is “duty” defined? Basically a moral commitment to obligation that requires action, but to really understand meaning, let’s examine the Latin debitus (past participle of debere) which means “to owe.” We have interviewed a number of people for our Lean Berets Radio Shows that understood “duty” as classically…… More

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