The Lean Berets


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PVC Project: High Parallel Bars

Posted on by Ron Jones

Here is our design plans and photo directions for the full-size PVC Parallel bars made out of 2″ Schedule #40 PVC pipe.  This design can be made portable for travel and modified to make more narrow for children–details below.  Enjoy–SIMPLE fitness! Special thanks to Misko Stephane from Canada for the idea and inspiration! Construction “How…… More

PVC Project: Low “Paralette” Bars

Posted on by Ron Jones

We love simple and effective exercise ideas at The Lean Berets–especially if they are also cost effective.  A great home exercise idea is to make your own low parallel bars out of PVC pipe–often called “Paralette” bars.  We put together a simple handout based on some requests.  You can access the PDF below and also…… More

Dr. Kwame Brown & Move Theory of Play

Posted on by Ron Jones

Neuroscience and developmental movement specialist Dr. Kwame Brown has an inspiration message to help our children move better–PLAY!   Join us as we explore some fun and efficient ways to actively engage children with playful movement and games.   Dr. Brown has over 20 years of experience working with thousands of children and numerous community and school…… More

When Safe Is Dangerous-Rethinking Playgrounds & Movement

Posted on by Ron Jones

Really? Which would you choose? This antiquated contraption or the cool fun equipment below! The seated machine is basically a waste of time AND MONEY compared to the neuro-sensory rich equipment choices further down this page. Lean Berets founder Ron Jones teaching his twins balance control and vestibular function while have fun doing it–BAREFOOT!!! The…… More

CrossCore-Getting ON The Bar!

Posted on by Ron Jones

We had the pleasure of interviewing Brendan Cosso of CrossCore about not only the great equipment at CrossCore for rotational training and modular pull up racks, but just as importantly, the philosophy behind CrossCore and what they are doing to promote both health and fitness across America and beyond.  We know you’ll enjoy the show and learn a lot…… More

Strength Through Endurance

Posted on by Ron Jones

“fortitudo per patientiam” (Strength Through Endurance) We can talk about biomechanics and neurologically efficient movement until the cows come home, but it is NO match for the human spirit. As some of you know, I’m the official race course photographer each summer for the Badwater Ultramarathon—a 135 mile race through Death Valley in the middle of…… More

History of Fitness Progressions

Posted on by Ron Jones

I have learned recently to make a more efficient use history to guide the future.  We don’t need to re-create the wheels of fitness—just remember which direction they need to turn and get started doing it. Remember, the “best” in American fitness used far different methods which were far more advanced to create generations of…… More

La Sierra High PE-Past Lessons for Future Fitness

Posted on by Ron Jones

News Flash!  Our “peak” for American fitness AND health was over 100 years ago, so let’s learn from history and get to work improving! Ironically, many of our “elite” athletes today cannot perform many of the routine fitness tasks performed in gymnasiums during the late 1800s and early 1900s which were peak years of the…… More

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