The Lean Berets


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Fit to Serve

Posted on by Ron Jones

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction…It must be fought for, protected, and handed on…” –Ronald Reagan Fit to Serve? Previous generations of Americans from many different political backgrounds knew and warned of the need to be fit enough to defend our nation.  On the eve of our current military considering liposuction…… More

Tag-You’re OUT(lawed)!

Posted on by Ron Jones

After a long week of playground angst at Lean Berets Basecamp watching American schools quiver and wimp out instead of supporting active play, cartwheels, and the those sinister off the ground pull up bars, we are taking a strong stand FOR physically ACTIVE children complete with rough housing, running, jumping, spinning, leaping, rolling, crawling, and…… More

Dr. Ed Thomas Workshop

Posted on by Ron Jones

“Indian Clubs, Teaching Methods, & Historical Highlights” Certification Workshop The Lean Berets have partnered with CSU, Northridge to bring Iowa Physical Educator and Fitness Historian Dr. Ed Thomas to California for a special one-time only certification workshop. This is a rare opportunity to work with one of the best in the fitness and physical education.…… More

Crawling, Sitting, & Your Brain

Posted on by Ron Jones

Crawling patterns are nothing new.  I started noticing significant comments about primal movement patterns like crawling over 15 years ago from Physical Therapist Gray Cook, the creator of the FMS-Functional Movement Screen we now use in corporate to prevent injuries by spotting movement compensations that need correction.  Now?  Primitive or “natural” patterns like crawling are…… More

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