Doo Doo Disclaimer: Again, the health of YOUR colon is highly personal. I am not recommending colon hydrotherapy nor discouraging it–in the end, it’s your “rear end” and your decision.
From what I gathered, it was more optimal to do a series of colon cleanse sessions like three in a row; however, due to travel schedule, I had to get my first session then wait for two more weeks until the final two I am discussing below. My final two sessions were back-to-back within 24 hours of each other.
Session #2: For this treatment, I had a new colonic hydrotherapist named Victoria who has been doing colonics for years. Victoria’s family is from India. She was actually raised in a Sikh monastery in California, so had a very different approach to the body and health which I found refreshing. I was curious about the history of colonics, so I asked Victoria who informed me they have used this for thousands of years in India. The Egyptians also used colonics. Historically, they often used milk, honey, and even resins for the cleaning of colons; however, current colonics use filtered and purified water.
My first session was performed in a side lying position. During the insertion of the speculum, Victoria also used the side lying position, but then gently rolled me onto my back for the actual procedure. She also used a lot more abdominal organ massage plus gently tapping motions to help along the process. She seems very in tune to my internal system “feeling” the flow process. She also used some knee massage techniques to help ease some gas issues which she claimed have been used for years…I’ll take her word for it. There is a lot I do NOT know compared to someone raised in a Sikh monastery.
I had about three “fills” which seems about standard for one session. This second session seemed more uncomfortable towards the end of the hour–I think it was going deeper. I kept thinking I want this to be over soon! It’s not that it was painful–but just uncomfortable a bit. After the procedure, you are instructed to wipe off in bathroom. The first session, I just cleaned a bit from the coconut oil lubricant, but there was no further discharge. I seemed to be “all clear” after the first session. For the second session with Victoria, she really encouraged me to stay on the toilet at least five minutes. This time around, there was a major discharge. Let’s just say, it was NOT normal like a regular bowel movement. I started to “get it” meaning that the first time I was wondering if it was worth it as I did not see much coming out. Big difference this second session. Other stuff was definately eliminating. Afterwards, I felt less crampy and felt better the next day too than I did the first session. Interesting.
Session #3: I repeated exactly 24 hours later. I felt great going into it. The final session was pretty much like the second. Deeper, more elimination, lots of organ massage, interesting chat about colon health from a person with a far different perspective and upbringing than the typical American. Again, major discharge after actual procedure in bathroom that was very different than a regular bowel movement.
Position of Elimination: It was impossible for me to go through the colonics without thinking “deeply” about the position Americans use to deficate. It’s not optimal. A 90 degree hip angle is not good for elimination nor is it good for sitting at a desk for that matter. This angle puts the organs out of position for elimination. There are so many benefits to “deep squatting” besides just going to the bathroom. For thousands of years humans have deep squatted! Then amazingly it’s a contraindicated knee or back position according to Western wisdom? Really? It feels so much better to use the restroom in this position–FULL elimination, far less strain or NO STRAIN, a great daily back and hip stretch, and the list goes on and on…more on my “LilyPad” toilet adapter project in a future post though…”hover” on this thought for now. 🙂
Summary: This is my personal opinion; I am glad I went through the process and experience. Will I do it again? I might. I would not be opposed to a session per year at least.
Colonic hydrotherapy pushed me out of my “comfort zone” mentally and physically. It’s rather awkward to discuss bodily functions in this country–or have someone messing with your back end. People think it’s “dirty” or extreme. Extreme? High rates of colon cancer seems more extreme than discussing cleanse methods in my opinion. Dirty? It’s your body. Our bodies are amazing and fascinating–not dirty or disgusting–unless we don’t shit for a few days.
If nothing else, my colonic hydrotherapy experience created a higher state of mindfulness for my intestinal health. Call it “cognitive colon” or “rear end reflections” or whatever you want, but it got me thinking more about what goes in–and more importantly–what does and does not come out. Americans have some of the worst colon health in the modern world. For me, it’s time to think about different approaches to health whether it be colon or otherwise. History teaches once again–there are and have been different ways of dealing with colon health for thousands of years by people very tuned in to their internal organ health and holistic health in general for that matter.
It’s your ass. Take care of it.