The Lean Berets have partnered with CSU, Northridge to bring Iowa Physical Educator and Fitness Historian Dr. Ed Thomas to California for a special one-time only certification workshop. This is a rare opportunity to work with one of the best in the fitness and PE business. In brief, Dr. Thomas holds a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Judo, was a member of Task Force Delta, Fulbright Scholar, Doctrine Writer for US Army Physical Fitness School at Ft. Benning, and US Army Infantry Squad Leader on Korean DMZ during the 1968 Pueblo Incident.
“Dr. Thomas is undoubtedly the U.S. Army’s top physical readiness training expert…He has inspired a paradigm shift that will benefit our soldiers for years to come.”
–USAPFS Commandant Lt. Col. William Reiger
Why Attend? What Will Be Taught?
- Indian Clubs: These ancient tools have been around for thousands of years. From the mid 1800s through the early 1920s, Indian Clubs were prominent training tools in American fitness and health culture and used extensively in our schools from elementary through collegiate, YMCA organizations, churches, military academies, and at home too. They are amazing tools for restoring shoulder function which is being limited by extended computer usage and poor posture plus great for brain fitness too. Indian Clubs alone are enough reason to attend the workshop. If you are not using Indian Clubs in our regular exercise routine, you are missing out on a modality with rich historical and practical value.
- Articles by Dr. Ed Thomas:
- History of Indian Clubs (Lean Berets Radio Show with Army Maguire)
- Teaching Methods: Some of our best teaching methods are absent from current teacher credential programs and from continuing education. Many of the drills and organizational methods needed to organize a group efficiently will be presented. These “simple” methods are extremely important if you want to organize a group of people for efficient and safe exercise drills. We will also be covering some basics of Inversion such as the Inversion Tables, Inversion Boots, etc.
- History: In reality, the best people in the history of America fitness lived 100-150+ years ago. Former generations of Americans were far superior in methods, safety, body control, and ability. They basically were far more fit and moved better. If you want the cutting edge of fitness for your students, clients, and your own training–look back to history and study what they did and how they did it. That will be the cutting edge “future” of fitness with historical validation and “proven” methods.
- Additional: The above is only “part” of what will be covered in an rich learning experience for two FULL days. This information has been a game changer for The Lean Berets and others who have been exposed to the educational resources. We hope you will attend, be educated, then spread the good word of physical culture throughout your own communities for the betterment of all.
Dr. Ed Thomas Bio Information:
- Resume
- Press Release-US Army
- Press Release-Iowa Association Health, PE, Recreation, & Dance
- Video Presentation Clips (Gray Cook/Functional Movement Systems)
Here are a few details for now:
- Title: “Indian Clubs, Teaching Methods, & Historical Highlights”
- Instructor: Dr. Ed Thomas, Iowa Department of Education
- Place: CSU, Northridge
- Dates: November 16-17, 2013
- Times: 8:00 AM-5:00PM
- Public Cost: $200.00*
- *Fees Include: Two-Day Workshop, One Pair polyresin Indian Clubs, Ed Thomas Indian Clubs DVD, & Certification.
- Registration Link is LIVE!
- Event Flyer
- Event Itinerary Handout
- Information: Ron Jones (661.993.7874)
- Breakout Presenters (Sunday, 9:00-10:50 AM)
- References (Equipment, Co-Presenters)
- Spaces limited to 40 (public) participants!