Gut Check! “Act of Nutrition-Superbowl Surprise”

July 28, 2013
Quick preview of “Superbowl Surprise” cauliflower, hemp hearts, sweet potato, and yam recipe by Kevin Rail in his forthcoming e-Cookbook “Act of Nutrition.”
Quick preview of “Superbowl Surprise” cauliflower, hemp hearts, sweet potato, and yam recipe by Kevin Rail in his forthcoming e-Cookbook “Act of Nutrition.”
Want some AWESOME organic snacks literally BURSTING with flavor for hiking or on the GO healthy eating?!!! Try the “Just Tomatoes” company who produces great freeze-dried fruit and veggie snacks. They have lots of berries available, so be careful of the bears chasing you because they taste like fresh berries right out of the patch!
Mmm mmm… We all love a good chocolate bar from time to time. But it’s important to keep them in moderation AND choose the healthiest ones. As long as you know what to look for when scanning the wrapper, you can have your chocolate and eat it too.
The debate over milk being healthy or not has lived on for years. Instead of worrying who’s right or wrong, take the advice given in our latest Gut Check. A change of pace to a different type of milk might be all you need.
Honey is a sweet-tasting, viscous substance that pares well with many foods and beverages. It’s also a great supplement to add to your diet as is. Before you go reaching for a fancy jar at your local grocery store, be aware of what to look for. You just might be getting duped!
No matter what you might have been told, dairy is not the devil! In fact, The Lean Berets are very fond of dairy products, such as yogurt. The important element is you need to know what to look for and which one is best for your body. We’ll help you figure those details out in…… More
A lot of you might be confused about the “RAW Food” buzz that’s been going on for several years now. This edition of the Gut Check will take a closer look at what you should know and need to know before throwing away your oven.
It has finally come time for the long-awaited inaugural edition of the Gut Check! What better a way to kick this party off then with a brilliant, nutrient-packed, powerhouse of a berry that you are probably unaware of. We’d like to send a special thank you to international superstar and health food guru Barry Kaplan…… More
Resorting to canned energy is not the best way to make it through your day. However, when the rigors of life have you feeling tattered and torn, sometimes they are clutch. Instead of falling prey to mass marketing, know the facts before you reach into a cooler and make a selection. The Lean Berets recommend…… More
Ketchup is a healthy condiment to slather across your organic burger of choice right? Think again comrades! The next time you reach for a bottle of this crimson-red substance, be warned! Although you may have been told of its benefits, there’s always another side of the story… The Lean Berets recommend “Woodstock“ brand of organic…… More