Lean Berets Founder Ron Jones is teaching a nice one-day workshop on the “Art & Practice of Restorative Movement” in Santa Barbara, CA on Saturday, July 9th. This will be a great PE 101 overview of many classical PE fundamentals like Indian Clubs, Health Wands, Philosophy of Classical PE, how brain-based neuroscience today supports these…… More
Lean Berets founder Ron Jones was recently interviewed by Paul Wolkowinski of Indian Clubs Australia on how he got into Indian Clubs and why he feels they are important from a physical education and brain science standpoint. Check out the full post and more great information on Indian Clubs, Persian Meel Clubs, and Mace…… More
Memorial Day. This day has been called the most solemn American holiday. The last Monday in May was originally called “Decoration Day” and set aside to commemorate the soldiers who died in the Civil War but now includes all American soldiers who have died in battle. Memorial Day became a national holiday in 1971…while it…… More