I’m sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled program, but I have something that needs to be addressed. Approximately halfway through an organic food tour the other night at Lassen’s Market, a question was posed to me by a lovely lady at the front of the group. It was immediately after I had explained healthy chocolate…… More
Yogurt is good for you right? Not so fast. Only some types get the Lean Beret Seal of Approval. Find out what to look for on your next stroll to the dairy cooler.
It seems like everyone is trying to find the fat content of food these days, especially when it comes to yogurt, milk and cheese. Well, I recently jumped in a hydrostatic weighing chamber and officially found out the fat content of my body. As a fitness professional, I’ve used multiple body fat measuring tools over…… More
Today’s Fit Kid Report features Ronnie “Monkey” Jones as she uses a simple cardboard box to demonstrate total body flexibility and spatial awareness. How many kids can move freely from their joints into a box these days? Check it out. Be inspired. Then hop into a box!