The Lean Berets


Coaching Videos Podcast
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History of Football

Posted on by Ron Jones

The United States Navy “V-Five Association” is legendary. This WWII physical training produced some of the US Navy’s finest pilots and men including former President Gerald Ford and some of NASA’s Apollo astronauts. The V-Five published about a dozen manuals on various physical topics including mass calisthenics, track & field, gymnastics, and many other sports.…… More

President’s Day Playgrounds

Posted on by Ron Jones

President’s Day Playground Post. Children play–even children of presidents. Let’s take a deeper historical look at the actual playground “equipment” installed by and supported by two United States Presidents. Interestingly, both playgrounds modeled classical equipment that involved gravity. In the FDR photo above, we see his grandchildren playing on the slide which is a decent…… More

Mass Calisthenics & Czech Sokol History

Posted on by Ron Jones

NAZDAR! (Czech Sokol greeting that translates “on to success!”) To the non-physically literate person who does not understand the history of movement and physical education, large mass calisthenic groups appear to be Nazi propaganda. While Hitler bastardized the reputation of large mass group movement, this form of physical training is as pure as it can…… More

LaSierra PE Alumni Hugh Rhoads-Class of 67

Posted on by Ron Jones

Join us for our very first show with an actual alumni from LaSierra High School. Hugh Rhoads grew up a block from LaSierra, was a water boy for the LaSierra football team in middle school, and graduated from LaSierra High in 1967. LaSierra High School in Carmichael, CA was the last great physical education program…… More

JUST GET UP! Demystifying the Turkish Get Up

Posted on by Ron Jones

The Turkish Get Up. One of the “Holy Grail” exercises in the kettlebell world often approached with a mystifying reverence about its romanticized ancient origins. It’s been an exercise over complicated, branded, and even named after certain ego-centric modern personalities, yet as it was explained to me by a wrestler when I first learned it…… More

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