Dr. John Sullivan

"SugarLESS Strength @ 66!"

Dr. John & Ron Jones @ RKC Recertification
Minneapolis, MN-June 2011

"Eat like your life depends on it because it really does!"
--Dr. John Sullivan, RKC

This Lean Berets show features our friend Dr. John Sullivan, RKC Kettlebell Instructor and Z-Health Trainer from Lafayette, LA.  At age 66, Dr. John has incredible strength and movement ability.  Dr. John was in the US Marine Corps in the early 1960s and has over 1,000 parachute jumps to his credit. He blends chiropractic, strength, and neuroscience to heal his patients naturally from the inside out.  Check out the show.  Grow.  Learn.  Be inspired--for ACTIVE Aging!

"...excessive sugar is a drug causing inflammation that leads to heart disease,
joint problems, clinical depression, eating disorders, and many other modern ailments..." --Dr. John

Doc John @ RKC Certiication Course

We explore some great topics in this show and how Dr. John has been successful with his health and helping his patients. Topics include sugar addiction cures and how sugar relates to manic depression and the loss of logical reasoning abilities, the RKC School of Strength and corrective exercise, organic nutrition, Z-Health plus Dr. John's favorite recommendations for continued reading. Thanks Dr. John! We want you back to explore your sugar-busting seminars that are changing lives in Lafayette!

Dr. John setting the pace with fellow RKC Jody VanRyzin
Power to Them!


Dr. John Recommends:

  • "Hidden Addiction" by Janice Phelps and Alan Nourse
  • "PACE: Rediscover Your Native Fitness" by Al Sears, MD
  • "Sugar Blues" by William Duffy

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